Tuesday, September 05, 2006


As promised, here's my first attempt at showing you Khartoum, as opposed to just telling you about it. Now you can just see it for yourself - as much as my phone camera will show you at least.

This was during a visit to see our outdoor communication. Of course I took this shot for you to see what Khartoum is like. The man standing on the left is no one I know. But he is dressed in the traditional Sudanese oufit. You see lots of them around town.

This is considered a posh neighbourhood - not!

But yes, even here people use mobile phones - and soon 3G. Probably even more so here because the land line is not well developed.

And the latest form of transportation is always appreciated here. People really know how to show off with their cars. I did see some donkeys pulling carriages, but they were too fast for me.

This is the coolest. We were at the ad agency. I looked out the window and saw their pets in the back yard! The one on the left is pregnant too.

And last, this was just a few hours ago. It's the beggining of a sand storm. It's like a huge black cloud approaching from the south, except it starts at the ground and streches to the sky. Engulfing everything as it moves forward, it is usually followed by rain. The result: mud everywhere!


Anonymous said...

Hey Wiss,

Wow is looks um different......... exciting stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

Ciao Scimmia,
Hey I hope it's okay that I told Mom and Dad about this (I didn't know that they didn't know) so now they know what you're doing over there.


Anonymous said...

Life is moving fast for you! Thanks for creating this to keep everyone updated. What an adventure! What will happen next????