Thursday, September 21, 2006

Theory of Relativity

Einstein had his own theory, but what does he know? Bet he's never been to Sudan either.

The thing is, everything is relative! As humans we have the inherent instinct of comparing. We compare everything we experience all the time. That means our experiences become our standards. And our happiness then rests on those standards.

Interesting discovery on the above; Sudan is a very expensive country (relatively!). For example a kilo of tomatos goes for around US$ 5, and a kilo of raw chicken would sometimes reach US$ 15. With so much poverty around, I wondered how the majority of the population manage to live. A colleague explained to me that most of them just eat Foul (which is a type of cooked chickpeas) with bread and water.
Once, at a dinner, my colleague offered his chaufeur to join him for a bite, since he was going to be late. The chaufeur adamantly refused to eat anything except Foul, because he did not want to get used to any other taste. He knew he wouldn't be able to afford to eat anything else. That's what they eat all the time, and that's what they will always eat.
So in a way he didn't want to set a new standard of relativity, which would interrupt his hapiness. Ignorance is bliss.

It also works the other way round. Since my arrival, I have been getting gradually more accustomed to a new standard of living. What seemed to me unaceptable 2 weeks ago, has now become my new standard. It's all relative. When I first entered the hotel I'm staying at 2 weeks ago, my first thoughts were 'ok, I can probably make it through the night today, but tomorrow I'm looking for a new place tomorrow'. I've been there now for 2 weeks and I got used to it.

Last night I had dinner with my 2 new found friends: An Argentinian journalist, who is passionate about journalistic filming and marketing, and his Sweedish colleague who is passionate about sales - and very good at it too (she can sell ice to an eskimo). In our conversation, a lot of my observations and frustrations about the country were now not even noticed by Lorenzo and Leila. They seemed quite comfortable with their surroundings. Once you adjust your standards relative with your environment your happiness increases.

Einstein managed to prove all that mathematically. And without ever having to come to Sudan! I guess that's why they call him a genious.


rafal said...

hehehe, beautiful observations My Friend, I always believed you are capable of great conclusions,

so you say...let's be careful with the excess of "free will" because we might hurt use "Adaptation" to balance your "frre" will....?

anybody wants to disagree ?


Anonymous said...

Ciao scimmia!
I'm glad you're adapting finally. We've had a lot of experience adapting.....haven't we?! Some were harder than others, and some more memorable.
Einstein eh? You had to go there! You know I cannot resist. Yes, he concluded mathematically that everything is relative (even truth?)...except for the speed of light. And you're right, as far as anyone knows, he's never been to the Sudan.


Izi said...

Now try to use the quantic mechanics metaphor for your next post :)

rafal said...

ligh, what light...I don't see anything ??


Anonymous said...

Rafal......sometimes I seriously wonder about you.....and I don't know you either, but I now feel almost like I do!
Your comments are, uh, err, interesting! I, too, enjoy reading them.


Anonymous said...

all this relative non-sense is taking away from the real issue. 1. When is Wiz heading back to civilisation. 2. What are we doing to help him. I mean kudos to all those nice pics, stories of taxis, sandstorms, pizzas and hotel rooms. I would not have obtained such invaluable info without our faithful reporter. I contrast it with the other RSS I tend to read of the blue and white nile amalgamation borough. Arab knights slaughtering black peasants. Drought expected following wrongful channeling of aid money. The list goes on. I guess it can't be that bad if you get to share your agony with an argentino-swedish mob. Wiz, how long will you last.

Anonymous said...

"relative non-sense"?????!!!! Bite your tongue, anonymous. Oh, the blasphemy!

rafal said...

Wissam do you want help or you are big enough to help yourself...?

"ak"....somebody suggests you need "our" help and who the hell are "we"


Anonymous said...

Hey lovarafal, i must have hit home hard, with all the Flames coming my way... "We" are his friends. R u a we! If you are not a believer, join the agnostics.

rafal said...

hehe, "we or not we"..this is the question....

I join agnostics and believers.

Ok, if "we" talk helping Wis....fine I am ready but I guess Wis knows what he should do in the long run, no??


Izi said...

Wiss knows it alright!
Don't you honey? ;)

Unknown said...

I'm touched! All this support lifts my spirits wherever I am. You guys may not realize it, but you are already helping me! And I thank you. Keep up the interesting and hillarious comments!!

rafal said...

reach out touch faith....;=))))

I guess you know this on by Depeche Mode ?


Unknown said...

no I don't. I never was a big fan of Depressing Mode. Ever since the 80's I always thought they were kind of, well, depressing.

rafal said...

hehe, yes they are kind of...but who cares, good stuff...

Anonymous said...

Hey I liked Depeche Mode.......... nothing depressing 'bout those tunes - it was an era!

I would say 'hit me baby one more time' is a little depressing - but then again it is another era...

Isn't it weird that era and EAR are the same words mixed up - so is it an era or just a differnt ear that enjoys the music????


rafal said...

Lets Enjoy the silence then....:-)))
......Or we keep talking? Wis blog is aphenomena, two last posts generated over 30 comments...


Unknown said...

kylie, you are becoming one little philosopher! Or a poet. either one.