Sunday, September 24, 2006

Street 60

There's this main street that cuts through the city north and south called Street 60. Another one a couple of blocks away, that runs parallel to it called Street 80. That name was later changed to be named after one of the Sudani heroes, as most other streets.

Today I learned the story behind 60 and 80. When the streets were built at the time, they were named after their width. So Street 60 was 60 metes wide. And street 80 was - you guessed it - 80 meters wide.

My guess is that at some point they realized that there may be more than one 60 meter wide street in the city, and decided it wasn't a smart way to name streets. Street 60 survived though.


Anonymous said...

These Sudanese are bloody genius.....

How is the work scence going Wiss are you enjoying the type of work you are being presented with or is is a la bahrain frustration all over again??

Hope it is challenging (in a productive way).

Ciao x K

P.S Did you find a villa to live in yet???

rafal said...

60 = 60,
80 = 80,
90 = 90,
be = ?

Careful..this one is tricky..

Anyone wants to try?

PS Wiss keep posting i love your blog !

Anonymous said...

be = b

Izi said...

Is it safe to cross this thing?

Anonymous said...

be = be ??? Oh, you said it'd be tricky....Okay, be = ki ?

You continue to astound me, Rafal!!


rafal said...

be = be is well..I would say "ok" answer but only according to the rules the society and its agents( on you, hehheee... but keeps the weight of the equasion on one "existentional" side, try to put some REAL balance to it,

I knwo you can do it SMART PEOPLE OUT THERE


Anonymous said...

my existentialist side tells me that as I am, I am. My romantic side tells me either I am, or I am not. Therefore being does not equal to being or accoring to Guillermo Shakecerveza to be or not to be
therefore be = 2

rafal said...

I like this line of are getting there..."be or not to be" this is a very good question, and the answer to this question would include two "modes" yes....just formulate the answer :-))))

you are getting v. v. close

hehe, who is Guillermo Shakecerveza ?


Anonymous said...

beats me at this poitn. I can't solve your riddle. I will solve mine for you though
Guillermo = William
Shake cerveza = Shake beer

rafal said...

ak, hehehehhe William Shakebeer hehehe,

to get the answer to simple (yet not so simple) question of Mr Shakebeer I suggest to replace only one word in "be or not to be"

I hope this helps....and I guess if you return to my original question of the "riddle" you should get the answer, well I almost gave you the answer now...

good luck !


Anonymous said...

Have another drink, y'all!! However hard I try not to get sucked into this madness...I cannot resist. be = not be?
Just tell us already!

rafal said...

bravo !!!

ba And not to be ...this is the answer,

I have a strong feeling Mr ShakeBeer knew the answer very well but wanted people to wander

I don´t know who answered that but congatulations!, i don´t know if I would have guessed myself....


Unknown said...

Hang on, so are you guys saying that William Shakespear was the one who thought of nameing the streets by their width, while he was having a beer?

Anonymous said...

Wohooo! I can't believe I solved your very strange riddle! I used hints provided unwittingly by Mr. Shake-beer (a.k.a. ak) above, and Rafal's response! Althoug, Rafal, you should have said "brava!!".

Yo Scimmia, don't worry about it, it'll all become much clearer after a few stiff drinks! Trust me!

rafal said...

brava then!
(this my ¨be¨ part speaking)

the ¨not be¨ is shut up of course


Unknown said...

ok, even I'm a bit confused now. My sister's name is Abir Kazzaz (or ak), and my good friend's name is Axel Kirstetter (or ak). You guys need to differentiate.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I noticed and I didn't want Gillermo Shakecerveza (a.k.a. ak) to be confused with me (AK) since we both have the same initials. Although, since mid-childhood my brother (a.k.a. scimmia, to me) has always called me Birra (as do my parents). Hey, isn't that related to Shakecerveza too??!!!

Anonymous said...

c'mon Kazzaz. who sings all his emails with ak? So can we agree that Birra is 'Birra' and I am 'ak'? I am glad WE solved that riddle, added some new ones and can now look forward to another chapter in wizzs adventures in khartoum
A.K.A. Axel K. A.K.A Guillermo

Anonymous said...

I like the sound of that: Axel, a.k.a. ak!! I feel like I'm stuttering....
Hey, Scimmia, you must be having fun now in Khartoum since you've stopped blogging about it. What gives? You left your fans hanging? I heard from Ma and Pa you've found your villa and you're now having fun over there with a new legion of friends?
Blog about it!!! (blog, dammit, blog!)


Anonymous said...

hi everybody

Just saying hello while I read through the posts

hopefully this is just what im looking for, looks like i have a lot to read.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.