Friday, September 01, 2006


Well, not really. I've been booked for a flight tomorrow. Departing for Amman, where I have a 9 hour layover (or so), then to Khartoum. There are less then 23 hours left to my departure, and I still haven't been given my passport, visa, ticket or any hotel reservations. They (the company) keep telling me to relax, that everything will be ready on time. It just makes me nervous leaving things to the last minute - especially round this part of the world. Because that usually means it won't happen.

1 comment:

Izi said...

Hmmm, maybe it means you are not meant to be going to that nasty part of the world.. Who knows? :P
(Sorry, couldn't help it! You know me!)
Anyway, GOOD LUCK! You know I mean it! xxx