Thursday, March 15, 2007

Coolest Pets Give Birth

In one of my earlier posts I shared with you photos of the coolest pets ever. At our Agency's premises they have a couple of deer in the back yard, just haning out. They are so cool (and so scared). The female at the time was pregnant.

The other day, I was visiting the agency and went back to see how the deer were doing. sure enough there was mom and pop, and the new baby deer. Mom and pop were extra alert!


Anonymous said...

How cuuuuute!

Anonymous said...

Hey dude! finally a sign of life from Sudan...
Very cute indeed ... But when the open season will start in Kartoum? :-)

Anonymous said...

Hahhahaha!! He said "open season"! They eat monkey-arms so why not the cool pets eh?


Unknown said...

can you tell us anything about the hunting season there? since they do not eat pig, what do they do with deer is there some kinda of special dish with it?

Unknown said...

I'll find out about the special dish. But about hunting season, I'm trying to organize a hunting trip some time soon. Anyone interested? In the south of the country I don't think they have a problem eating pork. In fact, in Juba the very first grocery store (with electricity and tiled floors) opened up last month. They only sell one product though: Alcohol. I guess they got their priorities straight.